The Drug Education Forum brings together drug education providers, educators and practitioners from across the UK as a Community of Practice.
Proudly supported by
Movement for Good
We believe that every young person in the UK should have access to excellent, evidence-based, age-appropriate drug education, to enable them to make choices about drugs that are informed, independent and will prevent or reduce risk and harm.
The Drug Education Forum is led by the DSM Foundation, bringing together drug education providers, educators and practitioners from across the UK who are committed to ensuring this happens.
We aim to strengthen the sector by
We aim to provide a voice for the sector by
Our commitment to the provision of high-quality, evidence-based drug education for young people is contained in the set of ten principles below.
They apply to drug education across a range of settings, including schools and informal community settings, and are based on an international evidence base of effective practice in drug education2.
Briefing, updates and networking events will be provided termly, including the opportunity to hear from a range of expert speakers, and opportunities to share best practice, resources and updates from other providers.
The DEF is led by a steering group of organisations working broadly across the drug education and harm reduction sector, with an advisory group providing expert oversight.
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The Drug Education Forum is hosted by drug education charity the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation